Autauga County Schools, Marbury High School, and Maxwell AFB cohesively support several military-connected students at MHS. The MHS administration team understands the unique educational challenges military-connected students face when transitioning. You will find that MHS educators are fully committed to supporting military-connected students by addressing educational challenges and promoting resiliency necessary to manage the military lifestyle. They strive to engage all students in a relevant and inspiring education to produce respectful, responsible, and resourceful graduates! Marbury High and Maxwell AFB are committed to quality education and discovering additional ways to provide students with the support they deserve.

For our military families, we have a "Military Family Liaison" on campus at MHS. She can be contacted at the information below:
Mrs. Amber Day, MHS School Counselor
(334) 387-1910, ext. 29009
We also have community Liaisons with Child & Youth Education Services. Below we have listed their address and email should you wish to contact them.
Katheryn Ganster and Robert Richert
Child & Youth Education Services School Liaison, PreK-12 42nd Force Support Squadron
50 LeMay Plaza, Bldg. 804, Rm SE147
Maxwell AFB
Montgomery, AL 36112

More helpful links for our Military Bulldog Families:
American Gold Star Mothers Inc. - An organization of mothers who have lost a son or daughter in the service of our country
The American Legion- Nation's largest veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth
American Red Cross - Emergency aid and support for military families
Army Reserve Family Programs - Army Reserve Family Programs
Armed Services YMCA - Armed Services YMCA
Blue Star Families - Support, Connect, Empower. For Military Families by Military Families
Build a Sign - Provides one free sign to welcome your hero home
Care.com - Find care and services for your children, adults, pets, and your home
Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress - Resources and articles for military families
The Comfort Crew for Military Kids - Support for the social and emotional resiliency of military kids
Family Guidebook: Dealing with Deployment - Guidebook to support parents and caregivers as they help their children handle deployment
Gold Star Wives of America Inc. - Support for widows/widowers of service members who died on active duty
inTransition - Supports service members and their families to maintain continuity of care
Military HomeFront - A webpage for military families about available DoD programs
Military Impacted Schools Association - Services school districts with a high concentration of military children
Military Kids Connect - DoD website for kids impacted by deployment
Military Officers Association of America - Financial assistance for students who are children of former, current, or retired military
National Center for Telehealth and Technology -Support of psychological health and traumatic brain injury recovery in the military
National Military Family Association - Provides free camps for children in military families
National Resource Directory - Connecting service members, veterans, and their families with support
Operation Homefront - Provides emergency financial and other assistance to families of our service members and wounded warriors
Operation Military Kids - Support for children and youth impacted by deployment
Operation We are Here - Resources for military families
Our Military Kids - Grants for children of National Guard/Military Reserve who are currently deployed
School Quest - Tool to help with the transition from school to school
Screening for Mental Health - Resources for mental health tools
Sitter City Military Program - Child care programs for military families
Student On Line Achievement Resources - Resources to help parents with their children's education (includes on-line tutoring)
Surviving Deployment - Information and resources for military families
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors - Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS)
Tutor.com - Online tutoring and homework help
United Through Reading - Parent records reading a book online and it is sent to the child
United Way - United Way of Central Alabama
USO Pathfinder - Initiative to help U.S. Military personnel and their families transition back into civilian life after service ends